One of my mentors challenged her youth to read through the book of Luke during September. I thought, I would too. I even challenged one of my kids (a 12 year old girl that comes to the center) to do the same. September ended and had I finished Luke? No, of course not. However, I did receive a phone call from my kid telling me she had read it and wanted me to know what she had learned. She learned a great deal about relationships and how to treat people. I was so proud of her.
I picked up where I had left off, Luke 5. (don't judge me) As I was reading, I prayed God would show me what He wanted me to see or to learn. As I read through the chapter, the responses of those Jesus spoke to stood out to me. Each time Jesus spoke, there was movement.
Jesus called His first disciples. He told them to go fish. Now, they had just come back and had caught nothing. They were probably tired and told Jesus about it. But, they went as Jesus asked. They moved. And of course they caught tons of fish. Then Jesus told 3 of them to com follow Him. They did. They moved.
Jesus healed 2 men from life-long illnesses. First, they moved toward Him with the hopes Jesus could heal them, and He did. They are once went and shared with others. They moved.
Jesus called Levi as a disciple. He immediately moved.
Movement signifies a change, specifically a change in direction. These men took a command from Jesus and changed direction. They did it willingly, probably timidly in some cases, but willingly. It got me thinking about my life and how when Jesus speaks, do I move? Do I change direction? Direction, I think for us, can mean physically, mentally or emotionally. We may need to physically move and do something for God. We may need to change the direction of our thinking that will honor God. We may even need to change the way we feel in order to reach someone for God. Make sense? It's kind of a stretch, but it spoke to me and thought maybe it will speak to someone else too.