I'm sure you read the title and lots of things go through your mind...like "what the....?" Yeah it's random and no I am not going to give you a "must have" recipe - sorry, Betty Crocker I am not. I want to share what I learned in the last couple of weeks. It all started in the kitchen.....
I watched as my mentor begin the process of baking a German Chocolate Cake. It really is a process. If you follow the directions, make sure you have a handy dish washer (that was my job :) ) You will use a number of dishes and ingredients. As I watched, I realize how much care and patience went in to every detail of the cake. I thought, wow, that is how God is with us.......bear with me. If you rush and just throw everything together for the cake you still get cake but maybe not a really good German Chocolate cake. If you take the time to follow the directions you get 3-4 layers of bliss. Each ingredient had it's place in the recipe...including the time it took to prepare, bake, cool, and icing the cake.
God took his time to organize pieces of our lives...our experiences, our traits, our personalities, our opportunities....all for the unique plan and purpose designed by Him. If we rush things then we get outside of our "recipe" and where God wants us. Follow me?
Now, what did I learn from tic tacs? I sit behind this lady in church. I noticed that this kid would come to her every Sunday. I figured he was a grandson wanting candy. She explained to me that she met him and his family when they first started coming to church. They sat behind her; he would not be still so she handed him a few tic tacs and it started from there. He comes to her, says nothing, she reaches in her purse and pulls out a few tic tacs to give him. She also explained that after that first encounter with him, he made a home-made invitation to a "special friends" day at his school. She went. He was so over joyed, she said that he showed her all around his school and shared a lunch together. She said it all started over tic tacs.
The major theme of this blog is investing. Investing in people.....investing in opportunities even if they seem insignificant. Investing our time in people can make a huge difference in their lives and our lives. I know that I was changed when someone took the time to invest in me. I also was affected when I chose to invest in someone else. It can never not affect you. It is time we look at the big picture through God's eyes.
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