Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Visibly Hidden

Do you think about your spiritual gifts? If you are a believer of Christ, you were given gifts that God intended you to use for ministry, for His glory.


As humans, we dream of those gifts that put us in the spotlight. Some people are gifted with what could be called "visible gifts."  These are the gifts that are easily seen - teaching/preaching, leadership or hospitality for example. Think about the not "so spiritual gifts" too. For example, many are gifted musically, either by voice or playing an instrument (or, for the extra jolt - both). Tho music may notbe considered a spiritual gift, many wish they could sing as worship to God through music (that didn't sound like noise). Even though we know that the Psalmist said "make a joyful noise," we wish we weren't the "noise" when singing in a group or in our car.

Now if you are one of those gifted people that can teach and people hang on to every word you say or the musician that brings about true worship in any setting, then you are 1 in a few. The caution here is to not let your gifts be so short sighted - meaning, God gave you the gifts for Him to enjoy not people on Earth. We get to see your gifts but it is ultimately for God and His glory.

For the rest of us.......

I would venture to say that most of us have "invisible gifts." These are the gifts that are not so easily seen or recognized. Gifts such as service, mercy, or encouraging. My gift has always been service, it doesn't matter how many times I take the test or at what point I take it, my top gift is always service.The down fall for us is that even though we may shy away from being the center of attention, we still strive for the attention. We want someone to recognize that we are good at something or we made a difference. Really, we want the attention for ourselves tho we hate to admit it. Our gifts are unique to us. We are exactly how God made us for the time we are here on Earth. We should remember that God rewards what is done for Him, no matter if others see it or not. We will all get the reward in Heaven when we spend eternity with Jesus, continuing to worship Him.

For all of us, it is important that God's plan and God's approval is what we seek, not the approval of humans. But as a human we understand what a "Good job" can do to boost a person's day. So why don't we take advantage of that for others. Who knows we may even get positive feedback in return.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


One of my mentors challenged her youth to read through the book of Luke during September. I thought, I would too. I even challenged one of my kids (a 12 year old girl that comes to the center) to do the same. September ended and had I finished Luke? No, of course not. However, I did receive a phone call from my kid telling me she had read it and wanted me to know what she had learned. She learned a great deal about relationships and how to treat people. I was so proud of her.

I picked up where I had left off, Luke 5. (don't judge me) As I was reading, I prayed God would show me what He wanted me to see or to learn. As I read through the chapter, the responses of those Jesus spoke to stood out to me. Each time Jesus spoke, there was movement.

Jesus called His first disciples. He told them to go fish. Now, they had just come back and had caught nothing. They were probably tired and told Jesus about it. But, they went as Jesus asked. They moved. And of course they caught tons of fish. Then Jesus told 3 of them to com follow Him. They did. They moved. 

Jesus healed 2 men from life-long illnesses. First, they moved toward Him with the hopes Jesus could heal them, and He did. They are once went and shared with others. They moved. 

Jesus called Levi as a disciple. He immediately moved. 

Movement signifies a change, specifically a change in direction. These men took a command from Jesus and changed direction. They did it willingly, probably timidly in some cases, but willingly. It got me thinking about my life and how when Jesus speaks, do I move? Do I change direction? Direction, I think for us, can mean physically, mentally or emotionally. We may need to physically move and do something for God. We may need to change the direction of our thinking that will honor God. We may even need to change the way we feel in order to reach someone for God. Make sense? It's kind of a stretch, but it spoke to me and thought maybe it will speak to someone else too.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Yellow Shirt

I will admit, yellow is not my color, however, there is a yellow shirt I proudly wear. People everywhere recognize it and see it as a sign of hope. I serve with the North American Mission Board and under the umbrella of this organization is a ministry called Disaster Relief. It is what it is - a ministry helping people find relief amongst disaster.

We have been able to take supplies to those affected by Hurricane Isaac. We have taken things like hygiene kits (soap, shampoo, razors, etc.), bug spray for those living in their homes despite the hazards caused by flood water. For one single dad, we took backpacks filled with school supplies since his kids will return to school despite having lost everything. His daughter received a purple back pack, she said it was her favorite color. Her brother wouldn't take his bag off. It met a small need. The yellow shirts bring hope - faces almost immediately turn from despair and exhaustion to hope filled because there is help.

One guy, Joshua, saw a group of yellow shirts headed right for him and at first he said he was a little scared then he says, " y'all are welcome any time. You bring smiles, which is something we don't see very much anymore." The yellow shirts bring more than stuff....the people who wear them bring a smile and a sense of hope in an overwhelmingly desperate situation.

One guy pulled up blocking our van from leaving a site, he said "help them, they need it." Still another guy stopped us at a gas station, he said, " I work with insurances and many do not have flood insurance. Where can I send them to get help from you?" You see, the yellow shirts bring not just ready hands and feet to work but also open arms and hearts so God can work.

The yellow shirts are recognized as bringing relief and help; hopefully Jesus is seen through the person wearing it.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Box Me

I have a confession....I LOVE personality tests. I like learning different parts of what makes up me and why I may be prone to certain things. For example, did you know that left handed people think totally different than right handed people? True statement, I'm left handed and cannot type a paper from beginning to end, I usually start either at the end or in the middle somewhere.....it's just how I am wired. I like understanding things about myself so that I can learn how to relate to other people. I like to read personality traits of others so that I can learn how to better interact with them......I am a geek I know. It can sound selfish, but it really is all about learning how to connect to people the way God created me to.  Yeah, there are certain things about my personality that I can control but if I don't know that I act that way then how can I "fix" it? Also, again, it is learning to be a part of the ministry God has called me to because He created me the way He did for a reason. I like what Isaiah 43:1 says. God formed us and claims us. He calls us by name. He claims us (yeah, I repeated that one on purpose)

The trap of some personality tests or "assumptions" (like if you're left handed then.....) you may end up in a box. I believe people do not belong in boxes. Much like God does not belong in a box. If He created us in His image then either we both belong in a box or neither of us belong in a box. I think the reminders about not putting limitations on God never gets old because we constantly think God can't handle it or won't handle it. We tend to think "I won't bother Him with stuff" or try to handle things on our own. Truth is (the hard truth) we can do NOTHING without Him....not well anyway or how it was intended to be.

I don't like being placed in a box. I don't like being told that this is what you do and that is it. That means there is no room for growth or change or new experiences or.........you pick. I believe we were meant to grow and to learn and to allow God to stretch us. A box can't allow for any of that. I do believe that we were all called to our individual ministries but that doesn't mean you won't grow, and the ministry won't change. I believe I was called to work with the people of New Orleans. I have noticed growth and change within myself and the ministry God has placed me. The ministry is in no way a neatly packaged box, so why would I want to be in one myself?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

System Adjustment

I needed to make a quick copy of something on the copy machine one day last week. As I began to push the necessary buttons to make the copy, the machine flashed a message at me stating, " machine making adjustments." It couldn't copy as it was doing this. My initial thought was of frustration as I only needed one quick copy and now I had to wait till the machine was ready.  My second thought was, "hmmm, sometimes I feel that way too. I feel like I need a "system adjustment" as I am running out of steam."

Again, initially I was thinking that in making adjustments, I am at rest.  I was thinking I needed a minute to breath and chill. Rest is important in ministry -- in life in general. We need that time to breath and recoup.  Here at the center, it has been steadily busy. I often comment to people saying my ADD was satisfied because I didn't spend 5 minutes on the same task. The Bible says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 NIV) Jesus knew that rest was important. God rested after creating the entire universe. We don't need just any rest, but rest that restores us. I will be honest and tell you that I often forget the importance of restoring rest. Sure, I chill most evening with my cat, but I don't take the time to be restored completely. It's like only filling our car up with only half a tank a gas at a time instead of filling it as much as it will hold. If your car is like mine, after I've used half the tank, that other half tends to go much faster. That's how we are. If we don't rest completely, then we suffer the consequences physically, emotionally and even in our relationships with other people.

However, I pondered a bit more on the "system adjustment." I finally realized that the machine wasn't just taking a break at an inconvenient time (for me anyway).  It wasn't just chillin' until it felt like making the copy; it was working to fix whatever mechanical issue it was having.  It wasn't resting at all.....it was working. OK, so you may be thinking that this discounts the above paragraph completely but it doesn't. We have to work at adjusting our systems. We must make a conscious decision to put whatever electronic down, turn the t.v. off, set the phone down, go for a walk, whatever we have to do to really rest. We also have to evaluate what is draining us. Being restored is a process. Yes, we must rest completely but we must also take stock of where we are expending so much energy and is it worth it. Is it where God needs me, it is how God wants me to spend my energy....etc. I have a bad habit of seeking praise of people. I want them to be proud of me. I want to make them proud. I have had to daily remind myself that I am here for God. I can only do the ministry that God calls me to, not what people call me to. I can't base decisions on people (entirely, I believe God gives us great Christian people to help guide us) This can lead to negative perceptions of the truth.  I may misinterpret a message. This is how Satan likes to mess with me. I finally have begun to call it was it is-distraction and sin.I needed and adjustment. I needed to remember who created me for His purpose and He is proud of me when I obey Him. The Bible says: "But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1 NIV) God knows me by name and calls me His. 'Nough said.

It is important to rest, not just rest but be restored. It is also important to work at being restored through God's Word and evaluating where we are in His plan. Are you in His will or your own? Much energy could be saved if we just ask ourselves, "is this where God wants me?" Making a "system adjustment" can be painful. If we don't, it can be more costly. (both literally and figuratively)

Friday, January 20, 2012

German Chocolate Cake and Tic Tacs

I'm sure you read the title and lots of things go through your mind...like "what the....?" Yeah it's random and no I am not going to give you a "must have" recipe - sorry, Betty Crocker I am not. I want to share what I learned in the last couple of weeks. It all started in the kitchen.....

I watched as my mentor begin the process of baking a German Chocolate Cake. It really is a process. If you follow the directions, make sure you have a handy dish washer (that was my job :) )  You will use a number of dishes and ingredients.  As I watched, I realize how much care and patience went in to every detail of the cake. I thought, wow, that is how God is with us.......bear with me. If you rush and just throw everything together for the cake you still get cake but maybe not a really good German Chocolate cake. If you take the time to follow the directions you  get 3-4 layers of bliss.  Each ingredient had it's place in the recipe...including the time it took to prepare, bake, cool, and icing the cake.

God took his time to organize pieces of our lives...our experiences, our traits, our personalities, our opportunities....all for the unique plan and purpose designed by Him. If we rush things then we get outside of our "recipe" and where God wants us. Follow me?

Now, what did I learn from tic tacs? I sit behind this lady in church. I noticed that this kid would come to her every Sunday. I figured he was a grandson wanting candy. She explained to me that she met him and his family when they first started coming to church. They sat behind her; he would not be still so she handed him a few tic tacs and it started from there. He comes to her, says nothing, she reaches in her purse and pulls out a few tic tacs to give him. She also explained that after that first encounter with him, he made a home-made invitation to a "special friends" day at his school. She went. He was so over joyed, she said that he showed her all around his school and shared a lunch together. She said it all started over tic tacs.

The major theme of this blog is investing. Investing in people.....investing in opportunities even if they seem insignificant. Investing our time in people can make a huge difference in their lives and our lives. I know that I was changed when someone took the time to invest in me. I also was affected when I chose to invest in someone else. It can never not affect you. It is time we look at the big picture through God's eyes.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life Unscripted

So those that know me know that I am not an avid blogger....however, I've had several things go through my brain that kind of amount to the title - Life Unscripted. My life is anything but ordinary, and I like it that way.

Many people like their routine. They know that they will get up, go about their day, come home and finish the day. Consequently, I hope that I will get up and go through my day, come home and curl up with my cat. However, the difference is that most people have a basic idea of how their day will go and as long as there are no surprises (i.e. car breaking down, emergencies, impromptu meetings/tests, etc) they are just fine with the routine. With what I do and where I serve, nearly every day holds a "surprise" or at least something out of the ordinary. There is no such thing as an ordinary day. Lately, I find myself saying, "You can't script this stuff." The families that we serve melt in to this one big family and we share in laughter, tears, goofiness (for lack of a better word), etc. I love it.

There are times I do get caught up in a routine and neglect to see the uniqueness of what we do. We serve people. People come in all kinds of shapes, colors and with unique ideas, circumstances, past hurts, past successes, dreams - the list goes on. I had a lady come in that we have worked with for several years now. She is wiser than she knows. I have learned a great deal from her. I came here to be a part of changing people's lives and they have changed mine. People we serve continue to teach me. This particular day, I asked (as I always do) how she was doing. She looked up at me and lifted her foot and said, "Would you like to change shoes for a day? Try walking a mile in my shoes." Of course she didn't mean literally for me to take her shoes, even though we wear the same size.  She knows that the life she lives on the street is very difficult. She is probably one of the strongest women I know. She does not ask for much. She will ask for a hat or socks, or some clothes, but never more than what she needs. Truth be told I am a wimp and would probably not last a mile in her shoes. I know that many people probably pass her up on the street as if she is invisible - they go about their routine.

Now don't misunderstand me, routine can be healthy for many who may have grown up in an unstable environment. Part of the ministry in the transitional housing is helping families create a routine to create stability. However, we may have some what of a schedule, but we never know who will walk through the doors and whose lives we will touch or who may change our lives in the process.

God has helped me to take a step back and see things slightly different than I have ever before. One of my mentors asked the staff about the year. She asked if anything stuck out to us. I had to think hard about the question. It took about 2 days for an answer to come. I have a difficult time thinking/remembering details on demand. Another mentor has told me to journal my days for the past several years - I have yet to listen (may be a 2012 resolution?). I feel sometimes that I have somewhat "unremarkable" days. Meaning I get caught up in a routine and neglect to see the uniqueness of the day. Each day can culminate in to several moments of opportunity to affect some one's life. Those moments can add up to be very significant. Those moments translate in to a relationship which translates into opportunity for both persons involved to have their lives changed. For example, a man I've known for a few years now (about as long as the lady mentioned above) has been coming to the center for various needs. He was not one that I necessarily looked forward to seeing. He was kind of mean and demanding, However, in the wisdom of our director, she talked with him - showing true compassion and he started becoming calmer. More weeks went by as he still continued to come. Each visit was an opportunity to share a moment of kindness. One evening last week, he came in for a meeting. I saw him afterwards and he looked at me, sighed, and asked how I was. He grinned and gently hugged me. I saw a very gentle side of him I hadn't noticed before. All the moments before had culminated to this. God had softened him. If it hadn't been for all the moments before, he may have never gotten to this point and my life would not have been changed. It isn't about me, but it is way cool to see how God works. He is a highlight of the year in my mind. To watch God work in a such a way is amazing.

There are so many more moments I could share. I may just save them for a later post. I am reminded of a saying that a very wise man would say. He has passed on now, but his legacy still lives. I remember him saying this quite often. He would never complain about a seemingly difficult situation, he would just say, "It's not a problem, its an opportunity." How much I hope to remember that sentiment as I go through this next week and encounter moments of opportunity.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Life is funny about surprising you. I remember being a naive 24 year old that thought she had it all figured out and what she was going to do in ministry. God also has a sense of humor. See, I have this habit of seeing a PIECE of the puzzle and taking off running with it instead of waiting for the rest of the pieces to follow. Now, I am 27 and I have seen myself grow. I know that I am where I am supposed to be at this very moment. I also believe I was always supposed to be here. God's timing really is perfect. I'm learning to be patient on Him and to wait for instructions as they come instead of creating my own.

Puzzles have always intrigued but irritated me. I like putting together a picture. It's a challenge and I like that. I don't like, however, the fact I can never seem to put them together. Not by myself anyway. My brother can put together a puzzle in one afternoon - no matter the size or difficulty. I obviously missed out on that gift. I get impatient and give up. Life is similar. Puzzle really give us so many object lessons about God. A very dear friend used it as an analogy recently talking about our path and how God uses each experience to mold us but not for us to get stuck. God gives us the pieces we need as we NEED them. He also allows us to experience things to teach us about letting go and allowing Him to work. That is one of the most difficult lessons, for me anyway.

Life is a journey - this we know and have heard the cliche. But, it is true. This journey requires guidance. God gives us mentors and other people to guide us. It is up to us to choose to listen and to learn.