Monday, June 21, 2010

Peaceful Chaos

So  the title doesn't make sense at all, however, it does at the same time. New Orleans is still recovering from the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and other recent storms. It is also a place of constant turmoil. Families deal with violence in and around their lives, poverty in excess, no one knowing where to get help or who to trust. Then there are those that know where to look. Life is hard but worth fighting for. We know that God has a plan and can see anyone through any situation. But the humanity of myself struggles to find the right words to provide comfort. Knowing that God has equipped me, and my co-workers/friends/BFH family to provide such comfort, allows me to feel a peace and at home with those I meet.
Living with 15 other people and working with 30+ girls this summer, I don't feel as though I live with strangers. It's odd. I just met new people in the past few weeks and it feels like we all belong here together. I'm sure that is a strange concept for people but for me, it's home. I don't know how else to explain it. It can get chaotic, but not in a bad way....for me it's a 'normal way.' There are times it gets too crazy and I need to breath air not in the building, but I always come back and feel at....home. There are no other words to describe it. We encourage each other and are a family.
We went down to Grand Isle this past Saturday. The water was strangely quiet. We saw the oil floating, not as bad as one would think, the workers are doing a great job of cleaning it was just calm. A thing that has destroyed the lively-hood of so many caused a great calm over the waters. There wasn't much wildlife. What we did see practiced caution in and around the water. There world is chaotic, though one would never know unless we really looked hard. I guess our lives are very similar...........

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life.......It Happens and It CAN Be Fun!

So, as we are finishing up week 2 of Up2HOPE, I realize this week has been an emotional roller coaster. Some of the girls have decided that they love us, or at least like us and some have decided that they can trust us. We have been apart of some of these girls lives for almost a few years now. Even the new ones have caught on that we care about them and want to see them do great things because we know they can. We get the awesome privilege of watching the girls grow up and experience life. It can be so much fun. The girls have also decided that my office is the fun office.....probably because of the couch and the dry erase board. It gives me so much joy hanging with them and talking with them in small groups. It doesn't bother that 15 people can cram in there. My office has been dubbed the "party office." I love it! (in case you couldn't tell). My hope is that by the end of the summer, the girls will have a positive view of themselves because God made them for a specific purpose. I want them to have dreams and realize they can reach those dreams. The summer missionaries, and the rest of the BFH staff have the same hope and we are so blessed to be a part of each of the lives we touch everyday. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to enrich the lives of such awesome young ladies. -|-

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Opening Statements........

Well, let me first say that I am really bad about updating...many who will read this will nod their head in agreement. However, I had started this before and then back out but I am not going to try my best to keep people updated this way as best I can. So....Summer is in full force at Baptist Friendship House. We have 7 summer missionaries and plenty of girls to share them with. We are starting week 2 of our summer program, Up2HOPE. It is a preventative program for girls 9 and up. We hope to see them grow and avoid getting trapped in destructive lifestyles. We want to see them go to college and reach for their dreams as God has designed them to do. This is the program's 4th year post Hurricane Katrina. It has been a blast being apart of these girls' lives and watching them go from little girls to beautiful teenagers inside and out. Please pray for the girls that come, the staff and summer missionaries.