Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Opening Statements........

Well, let me first say that I am really bad about updating...many who will read this will nod their head in agreement. However, I had started this before and then back out but I am not going to try my best to keep people updated this way as best I can. So....Summer is in full force at Baptist Friendship House. We have 7 summer missionaries and plenty of girls to share them with. We are starting week 2 of our summer program, Up2HOPE. It is a preventative program for girls 9 and up. We hope to see them grow and avoid getting trapped in destructive lifestyles. We want to see them go to college and reach for their dreams as God has designed them to do. This is the program's 4th year post Hurricane Katrina. It has been a blast being apart of these girls' lives and watching them go from little girls to beautiful teenagers inside and out. Please pray for the girls that come, the staff and summer missionaries.

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